Eye-to-Eye Contact: New Civil Program (2003)

In the early morning hours on Memorial Day, 2003, I had one of the most bizarre experiences of my entire life. Although I have been close enough to various triangle-shaped crafts throughout a large portion of my conscious life, I could not recall ever having met the occupants, at least with memory intact. 
This experience was not in the flesh, as it appeared to be out of body. Furthermore, this assertion I have come to understand may be correct as many abduction cases including the very kinds of paranormal occurrences that I have had throughout my life--especially OBEs (Out of Body  Experiences).

Always More Questions Than Answers

It was early morning and I was sleeping on the love couch on my screened-in porch. At some point in the early morning hours, I found myself in the basement of a house, talking to someone I considered to be my mentor. This man had on a white shirt, dark pair of slacks, and he was Caucasian. He was short and he had a much larger than usual head with jet-black hair that was greased back like Elvis Presley. 

This unusual-looking man was working with wood in a part of the basement where my father worked with his radial arm saw. He and I were talking about ordinary things, and at the time it seemed natural to do so. I left the basement through a door and immediately noted that it was dark outside. There was a light on above me and when I looked up it was the one we had on the back of my childhood home above the basement door. I also noted the similarity of the basement and the outside of this house, including the light, to that of my childhood home--as somewhat mentioned earlier.

I took a few steps away from the house and then took note of my surroundings. It was familiar and yet not familiar to my conscious mind. In other words, something within seemed to acknowledge the location even though I consciously did not. This was a residential complex with what seemed to be a wooden fence all around it. In fact, I later came to realize that it was the housing association in which we lived when we were in the Chicago area.

Introduction of Alien Craft

There were outdoor porch lights and indoor lights lit here and there throughout the complex. Suddenly all of them flickered a few times in unison, including the one above my head. Then they all went out. 

I had a strange feeling about this as I scanned the perimeter for movement. It was then that I sensed that there was something going on above me. When I looked up, I saw the blackened silhouette of a craft silently crawling along above me. The shape was not like anything I’ve ever seen. It positioned itself on the other side of the wooden fence, slowing gliding to earth. It was then that I knew I was the object of the visit. 

The thought immediately came to mind, "This time I have a choice to do it differently," intimating to me that when this happened another time there was a totally negative outcome.  I decided that this must have happened before and that before I rejected or fought the experience, or something to that effect. This time I decided I would go with it, embracing whatever should occur.

(6/4/21: And when I consider that possibility, I can see myself running through the housing development seeking a place to hide.) 

Eye to Eye with a Gray

Suddenly I felt a tug on my body and I was moving in a forward direction without moving my legs. I recalled reading where some abductees described the same phenomena and it was then, and I knew at the time that it was beginning of another nightly abduction.

I found myself ascending into the air, and I found myself moving through material objects giving rise to my later resolute impression that I was likely out of body. Yet I reasoned that these creatures also have the ability to alter the physical laws that we’ve come to know and trust as immutable and unchanging. I chuckled to myself for a split second before blacking out.

Quite suddenly I found myself in a room (see crude sketch). I was sitting on the edge of a table with my legs dangling down over the edge. Right before me was a small, gray creature with a large head and large, black eyes. As I sat there, I knew I had finally come face to face with what I’d been searching for, for quite some time now, and unlike other times, I was now totally conscious--something I'd wanted to do for many years..

I sat there stunned by all of this for several seconds when he suddenly came to life, asking, "How are you?" My reply was, "Better now!" (better because I was finally conscious enough to ask questions and experience the connection).  I then said, "How are you?" after which he seemed to chuckle and quickly said, "We don't have a lot of time. We need to brief you on a new civil program." 

He then took his right arm, directing me to look to my left where the same little guy I had encountered in my childhood basement was standing, waiting for me to get settled. I laughed, shaking my index finger at him, "You’re a bad man!" 

He knew I was joking and he smiled, suddenly saying, "We don’t have a lot of time. We need to brief you on a new civil program. It was then that everything went black and I found myself back on the porch, my heart beating so hard that I thought it was going to burst. It took me several seconds of meditation and a direct intervention to bring things back to normal.

Fred Avis Jr.

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