Revival of Childhood Memories From Early to Mid 1950's

It was in March of 2010 when I had several experiences involving dreams that triggered the resurgence of
memories from an event involving a UFO and the ET's that manned it. From my notes on the events of March 10, 2010. It was an unseasonably warm evening with warm winds coming out of the South: 
"I recall having a dream of being let off a craft in the side yard on the NE side of the house. I remembered climbing the bank and laying down in a small, flat, somewhat level spot part way up the bank. I recalled a sense of familiarity concerning this spot, a sense of enjoyment." 
I actually remember laying in that spot every time they dropped me off in the back field or side yard. Continuing on: 
"I relived hearing my voice spoken inside of me, telling me to get up and go inside the house. After a couple of nag's, I got up and went back inside." 

 The two entries above pertain to a dream I had on March 9th, 2010. On the 10th of March, 2010, I visited my house in the country where it all took place. The temperature was 60 degrees that night, and so it was warm enough that I took a lawn chair and sat atop the bank overlooking the various areas where many of these nightly events took place. 

From my notes: 

"I sat in a lawn chair overlooking the areas where most of this took place. It was night and I dozed off for a few minutes, during which I had another event happen. I was laying in the same small spot when I heard the front door to the house open. I was near enough to the top of the hill that was able to look up and see my mother leaping out of the house onto the ground, bypassing three steps and my dad was right behind her. 

"'You look over there and I'll look over here,' she said. 

"A short time later, I could hear my dad breathing somewhat hard. He was standing over top of me. He said to mom, 'He's over here, Nova.' I could hear her ask him, 'Is he alright?' My dad replied, 'I think so.'"

This was the extent of this particular dream and subsequent memory, but it has resulted in a flood of small remembrances throughout the years. I'll address these things in a subsequent blog article. -Fred

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